Sunday, February 14, 2016

Zcience Zpam

Once more I have received a piece of science spam that I find outstanding in its silliness.
Special Greetings!
Are there people somewhere in the world who talk like that? You come to work in an office in Hyderabad, and instead of "శుభోదయం" people say, "ప్రత్యేక శుభాకాంక్షలు"?
We are pleased to announce a regular issue entitled "Biological Research and Development" and we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript to the regular issue for possible publication in the Peertechz Journal of Biological Research and Development
Yez, Peertechz. Zat zounds like zerious Zcience.
The idea is to present originally contributed research, review, case reports papers, mini review, short communication or any perspective from leading researchers in the field of Peertechz Journal of Biological Research and Development Focus.
So, anything really.
Peertechz Journal of Biological Research and Development is a peer reviewed open access journal, aims to publish high quality basic and clinical research in all the disciplines related.

Article View Options:

Peertechz providing more compatible and useful formats such as PDF, Fulltext, ePub format, Audio Article, PubReader View, etc.
I did not know that 'full text', for example, is a file format. Learn something new every day.
We request your continues support towards the growth of the Journal success.
We look forward to seek your positive response.
I think at this stage we have given up on the whole idea of writing meaningful sentences and arrived at empty flowery phrases.
Please Note: This is not a spam message and has been sent to you because of your eminence in the field.
Ahahaha. The definition of spam in the internet context is unsolicited mass eMail. This is is unsolicited mass mailing. Do the maz, er, math.
This email and any attachment may contain private and confidential information. Do not share without's approval.
Perhaps somebody who doesn't want the confidential information contained in "special greetings" shared shouldn't send it out to thousands of people as spam.


  1. Lolz.

    I love these. Mostly because they are, almost without exception, so poorly written. The day they spend $5 on a proof-reader/journal title brainstormer, then things will get annoying.
    Second, as I'm in a current publishing drought I have sadly slipped off the fake journal radar. Which made me wonder: in the same way we have impact factors and an H index, could we also judge one's publication visibility via the number of spam journal emails received? ;)

    1. Hah, good idea. I have the feeling, however, that all spam broke loose for me not because of publications but simply after I was at the IBC in Melbourne. Since then I seem to be in the spammers' lists...
